Enquiry Form

Why Kids should write?

There was a time when we used to go to the library and take handwritten notes. Now it has become the trend to videograph, record, or clicks photos to capture information. Are kids writing far too less? Writing is a commonly debated topic. Though there is a high probability that in the future they might rarely write, considering how technology plays a greater role in our lives. Let’s think about how much we write in a day. 

The question is: Is it important? Yes, it is

Why is it important?

Amongst photographing notes and laptop notetakers, it is important to prioritize writing for many beneficial reasons.

The problem with this is that learning does not happen in the same way. Research says that more neural connections are formed in the brain as a result of writing. All of us know that writing is a physical process and when you write and form the alphabets certain neurons fire and certain areas in the brain are stimulated and that is how learning happens. Also, the advantage of writing is that it allows the learner to process what they listened and write in their own words which results in better comprehension. Whereas, when you digitally type or record information one tends to copy verbatim rather than process information. Writing stimulates thinking and keeps the learner active throughout the process thus ensuring better comprehension, retention, and recall of the learning, whereas typing does not have the same effect.

How to get kids into the Writing practice?

Writing has considerably reduced especially during the pandemic but you could do the following to get kids writing. Get them to read a book they like, and ask them to write a line or two thinking creatively about the story.

Now with the pressure of preparing for an examination not around, ask them to listen to a favorite song and write it down. They could also make a song on their own and record it in their own voice.

Cursive is not used much and let’s not stress on cursive writing to disrupt the joy of writing.

The answer to how much is totally dependent on the learner. However, a Grade 1 or 2 child would be able to write a page. But remember that every child is different and it is important to prescribe writing practices suitable to the learners’ needs. 

It is important to remember to start small and make it as fun as possible

Ms.Aparna Bharani Pillai

Director & Head of Initiatives

The Sun Smart Foundation International School

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