
Assessment and Feedback


Assessment is today’s means of modifying tomorrow’s instruction – Carol Ann Tomlinson. SSFI believes in constant improvement and no other tool bigger than Assessment fits the bill. Our learners are assessed in a formative each day in each subject and the next day’s plans are improvised accordingly. Additionally, once every three months, an end-of-term assessment (Summative) takes place. This way grade-level milestones of our learners are checked periodically and necessary remedial measures are implemented without delay.


Feedback should cause thinking says Dylan William and true to his words, we insist on Qualitative feedback over Quantitative feedback at any given moment. Our learners are given systemic rubrics at each assessment, be it Formative or Summative, and detailed Qualitative feedback on the same follows. This helps our learners improve their subsequent performances, build personal goals, and inch towards becoming independent.

Learner Portfolio

We record evidence of impact and the progress of every learner through our learner portfolio. The milestones of learning new skills, being mindful and aware, experiencing and honing artistic skills, developing a sense of responsibility towards themselves, peers and their environment; and systematically acquiring problem solving, thinking skills, inquiry skills and metacognitive ability is continuously assessed and individual interventions are offered. 

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